With endless hours logged at work, bills to pay, and those little annoyances that tend to crop up, from long lines at the grocery store to the interminable wait between Game of Thrones episodes, it’s no wonder we’re stressed. Research published in the American Psychological Association’s annual “Stress in America” report reveals that stress increased among study participants, rising from a 4.8 in August 2016 to a 5.1 by January 2017 on a scale where 10 indicates a “great deal of stress.” Even more alarming, 80 percent of those polled reported dealing with at least one health issue spurred on by stress, including anxiety, depression, headaches, and a general feeling of being overwhelmed.
While those symptoms are nothing to sneeze at, for those trying to slim down and improve their overall health, stress can cause even more frustrating issues, and may even have those numbers on the scale moving in the wrong direction. Stress hormone cortisol has been linked to major metabolic issues and is often regarded as one of the biggest contributors to our ever-expanding waistlines. In fact, among 2,500 men and women over age 54 studied in the English Longitudinal Study on Aging, those with the largest amounts of cortisol in their hair were the most likely to have high BMIs and larger waist measurements, two factors that have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and early death.
It sounds dire, we know. And while there’s little hope that you’ll magically be transported to a world where there are never crying babies on planes and every traffic light you pass is green, our list of 40 ways to de-stress and slim down will slash your stress level, kick those cortisol surges to the curb, and get you back on track to a healthier, fitter, and more relaxed you. And when you’re eager to perk up fast, the 15 Foods That Boost Your Mood will have you feeling happier and less stressed in no time.